totem arro

I'm considering some arros and I was looking for some feedback from people who have experience with them. What kind of music are the good at reproducing? What kind of amps work best? I hear they are best in small rooms. Whats the maximum room size they excel in? Thanks in advance for helping me out!
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Back to the original posters question regarding amps for Arros and room size, don't let their small size fool you. These baby's seem to love lots of power, the more the merrier.

When I heard them, they sounded very nice in a demo room approximately 35X25 feet, but they were sucking as much power as the hefty McIntosh amp that was being used to drive them could throw at them. To their credit, though they didn't shake the rafters, they seemed to thrive on the power and turned it into clear fully formed music without distorting or breaking up, quite a feat for such diminutive guys in a good sized room competing strongly with other larger and more expensive speakers in the same setup as well.

That act reminded my of my Dynaudio monitors and even my way way larger (compared to Arros) "muscle car" OHM 5s which also suck up and thrive on whatever amount of power you throw at them.
tvad, enjoy...relax...listen to some music...nobody here is totally right or wrong, just allowing ourselves to be somewhat helpful, instead of listening to music....relax...laugh....look around...there is alot going on besides equipment....
I have owned the Arros for about two years now. In my experience they are not bright, but can sound bright or warm or whatever depending upon the electronics used with them. They are also very easy to set up and sound good close to the wall.

Their only real limitations, in my opinion, are bass, dynamics, and spl. The bass is surprisingly good for their size and better than my old B&W monitors that used a 7" midbass driver, but if you are a bass freak (and I now think that I may be one) you probably won't be satisfied with these or any other similarly sized speaker. As far as dynamics and spl go, you can mitigate the Arros inherent limitations by using proper amplification, which, in my opinion, would be something slightly warm that increased output into lower impedances, the more watts the merrier.

So basically, I think that the Arros are great if you don't care about bass slam, don't listen at high volumes, and use the right amplifier.

Hope this helps.
Agree with EthanH.

That is consistent with what I've read in pro reviews as well.

After all, they are tiny little beasts....only so much is possible. They do push it to the max very well though for their size.