Wilson Benesch Torus and Thiel SS2 subwoofers

Wilson Benesch Torus and Thiel SS2 subwoofers. Anybody compared those two subwoofers.

Verry different approach to design and different approach to integration with main speakers.

Any opinion about general performance?


Your comments
"Thiel sub in comparison with Torus can go audibly lower in bass, but the most important difference is that Thiel subwoofer is capable of output very resolved sound and definitely more punchy bass. Thiel bass is short, deep and punchy."

beg for a response. I have never been to any live performance were I could honestly say the band/orchestra had a "punchy" bass. Punchy is just not a musical term, at least in my mind. No the Torus does not have a punchy bass it will however reproduce the actual music. The Torus amplifier has a set of switches on the bottom that allow you to adjust the low frequency roll off. If you would like to go lower you might want to adjust those to the lowest possible output. I roll mine off at 20hz. (not into organs).

I think some users who are not used to such a clean and tight bass might be surprised by the sound of the Torus. Unlike everyother sub I have heard it will complete disappear. An unlike every other sub I have heard it does not double up.

Spend some time with the upper lead in frequency. That also makes a large difference in the overall sound. I bring in the Torus at about 60 hz with the Wilson benesch Curves and about 40 hz with the Wilson benesch A.C.T.'s.

Every speaker is going to be different.
I would like to report effects of Thiel SS2 and Torus comparison. After few days Torus improved their performance and now is quite pleasure to listen. I made direct comparison between subs by connecting Thiel with passive crossover to the left channel and Torus amplifier at high level signal to the right main amplifier channel. Using balance I have quick comparison between two subs.

However I am sure that both subwoofers received different signal. Torus was rolled off by their amplifier filter at given frequency, Thiel received signal from passive crossover and the roll off point seemed to be considerably higher than with Torus. Thiel received not only bass signal but also some part of middle frequency signal and this probably caused the impression of more punchy bass.

Torus is indeed great subwoofer. Is has rock solid and dead quiet cabinet, so there in not boxy sound from that. The only feature is missing is Room boundary compensation feature available in Thiel subwoofers. Without this feature Torus positioned near the walls can sound a little boomy, but there are laws of physics. I can agree that it produce bass so different than typical subwoofer that it can be hard with proper interpretation at the beginning.

Try placing the Torus directly in between the two main speakers. I know this is a bit of a shocker but in that location you will actually improve the sound stage, imaging and sense of air. It works almost like a center fill loudspeaker.
Sounds Real Audio

I have a pair of discoveries with the Torus. Im having difficulty balancing the two. I get way too much bass but if i turn down the volume on the Torus, i lose the benefits of imaging etc. Can you suggest a setting for the low filter and ideal crossover for the discoveries? The discoveries are about 18 inches from the rear wall and 12 inches from the side wall, toed in. Thanks


My guess is the problem is not with the setting of the Torus but rather your Discovery's (how do you like them by the way). So much nicer to get the speakers away from the back and side walls. Is that possible or is that the reason you have monitors in the first place, small room and not many possibilities for placement.

Try setting the Torus to come in at about 40 hz with the low filter at 20hz. At that setting even with the volume up on the Torus you should still have pretty tight and not over the top bass.

let me know how that goes.
