Best possible separates for Thiel CS 3.7

Hi guys here's another new topic for crazy Thiel enthusiasts like me lol.
My question of the day is if you had a budget of 50K to drop in a pre-power combo to drive a pair of Thiel CS 3.7 what would be your top 3 favorite choices ?Here is what i have in mind at the moment : Ypsilon pre-power monos, KR Audio P135 + Kronzilla DX monos, and Aries Cerat Impera ll Ref + Concero 65 monos.All of these 3 pre-power combos can be purchased in Europe for just under 50K brand new.
Have a good day.
CH Precision is my absolute favorite SS pre-power combo at any price but i'm afraid if i decide to go this route my wife will kill me lol.It will be very difficult to convince her to go CH because she absolutlely loved the Aries Cerat combo with the Thiels.I have to take into account her taste, this is a 2 persons decision.I think she is right because that would leave me enough money to purchase a SOTA DAC + server like the Totaldac d1-Twelve mk2 and great cables.

Does your wife have extensive listening experience with High End audio or a musician background? A lot of women seem to have a knack (experienced ears or not) for identifying what many would reefer to as a natural sound. Does she also prefer Aries Cerat to Ypsilon as you do? I've heard Ypsilon components and I'm really impressed with them. I haven't heard Aries Cerat. 
Charles my wife is not an audiophile but since i dragued her to many Hifi shows, at dealers and many classical music festivals for the past few years she's starting to have pretty good ears.Yes she does preffer tube sound therefore Aries Cerat is her choice right now.She has listened to the CH I1 integrated.She does not like CH Precision as much as i do.
Your wife has good ears and good taste😊. I suspect that she may notice  the intrinsic relative 'dryness' of much solid state (granted not all) components  compared to well implemented tube electronics. It's good that she's a willing partner in sharing your audio/music passion. I assume  she approves of the Thiels 😊.
Thanks for your reply Thieliste- I have not had time to look at the following option but I had read how a pair of Doshi Jhor mono's drove Wilson Sasha W/P very nicely.  These last ones have a more benign impedance and phase curve than the Thiel's but even with that you would not think these amplifiers could cope.  So I remain very intrigued by trying tubes for Thiel's.
I have also started looking at Vac (2 phi 200's as mono's) and VTL- I wonder if the signature 200 stereo might actually work.