Speakers positionning

I just try a new toe-in for my speakers, and it worth the move.  Instead of crossing the focus behind my head ( at position seat), now it cross in front of me at 2 feet.  The highs are well defined and present  with well blend music and no more edgy treble at "forté" passage...  But it depends of your room and speakers...  You can read more about here:

At the risk of just restating the obvious, in case you stopped your toe in process in route to an optimum set up---

One of the benefits of toe in is to ameliorate the effects of side wall reflections, but as you have noted you pick up some brightness as you toe in the speaker and get closer to listen on the axis of the speaker. If you continue the toe in until the speaker's axis is well in front of your listening position you will not only have reduced the sidewall  reflections substantially but you will now have a more tonally balanced sound. As Duke said (in effect) it looks a bit cross eyed but it really works well. In medium sized and smaller rooms it can be  a life saver (so to speak). And now that you don't have to push your speakers close to the wall to overwhelm the highs with bass tones, you enhance you imaging, especially depth of image. 

IME, the maximum toe in past your listening position would be similar to the angle if your speaker were pointed straight ahead, ie. you speakers manufacturer recommends pointing you speakers straight ahead, using a equilateral triangulated set up your toe in could be as much as 22.5 degrees.

FWIW, works well for me in a 19.5x13.5x9 ft room. 

Post removed 
FWIW I said it wrong. The toe in would be 22.5 degrees PAST CENTER or the on-axis position.
Just reading this thread all the way through, it is apparent how different the speakers, rooms and listening preferences are among A'gon members.  This thread also shines a light on how differently we listen to our systems.  My system is in a dedicated room, optimized for one listener.  Some of you have quite different goals in mind and hence, what to me, seem like extreme set-ups to achieve that goal.  Live and let live!

I've always preferred the sound of a speaker closer to straight ahead, rather than toed in (or with very slight toe-in).  I generally find this produces a smoother, more filled out sound, more dimensional soundstage, etc.  With decent off axis performance, image focus can be good as well.

One effect of toe-in I've never liked is how it tends to squeeze the sound too small.

I did listen to a set up not too long ago (Magic A3) with the severe toe in some are recommending - crossed well in front of the listener.  It "worked" but I frankly didn't like it quite as much as speakers facing closer to straight ahead. 

All to personal taste, of course.