From Marten Coltrane to Avalon Isis, Hansen King??

Hello all,

I am currently using a Marten Coltrane speaker in my fairly large living room and I do like the sound a lot. It is well known though that the bottom end isn't the Coltrane's strongest point especially in a big room.

I am curious if for instance the Avalon Isis and/or Hansen Emperor/King would be an improvement over my current speakers with respect to bass and overall sound?

Appreciate feedback from users that heard the Marten, Avalon and Hansen speakers.

Thanks a lot
Although I would not figure Nordost to necessarily have good synergy with ceramic and diamond drivers, I do not think that would necessarily limit your bass.

I would focus on the amplification. I personally feel that people vastly underpower their speakers. I'm sure the Vitus has a great 100 watts, but those woofers need real power to have them move air. If you can biamp, try to add-in something with muscle. I'm sure the Coltrane's are a special speaker, but looking at the specs, they are going to need some real experimentation to reach their full potential.
Maxx1973, ""I've got and assume the the ceramic drivers of the Marten, Kharma and Avalon sound roughly the same""",

No, I just audit my friend's Coltrane today, is completely different from my Tidal Contriva Diacera SE, they both use same technology ceramic unit and diamond tweeter.