From Marten Coltrane to Avalon Isis, Hansen King??

Hello all,

I am currently using a Marten Coltrane speaker in my fairly large living room and I do like the sound a lot. It is well known though that the bottom end isn't the Coltrane's strongest point especially in a big room.

I am curious if for instance the Avalon Isis and/or Hansen Emperor/King would be an improvement over my current speakers with respect to bass and overall sound?

Appreciate feedback from users that heard the Marten, Avalon and Hansen speakers.

Thanks a lot
Maxx1973, ""I've got and assume the the ceramic drivers of the Marten, Kharma and Avalon sound roughly the same""",

No, I just audit my friend's Coltrane today, is completely different from my Tidal Contriva Diacera SE, they both use same technology ceramic unit and diamond tweeter.