Opinion of Acurus 2 and 3 channel amplifiers is ... what?

I have an opp to purchase some gently used nearly in perfect condition a200x3 and a250x2 acurus amplifiers for what seems to be reasonable price. Not sure how they would match up with some B&W cdm9nt's. 

Anyone have an opinion on if this is a good match? I know there is better amp choices for more money, but for approx $600 I am not sure I can find a better amp section for the money.  Go or no go?

As I understand it these are acurus amps when acurus was still part of mondial.
Well, considering I own an A200 and A200x3 and have owned another A200, 200x3, pair of A150s, pair of 200FIVEs, a pair of A250s, A100, A100x3, I guess I will respond.

Can't say how the Acurus will sound with your B&W's but with my Klipsch RF-63/RC-64/RS-35s setup, they sound wonderful.  Great punch/bass drive and detail and surprisingly neutral with the horn loaded titanium compression drivers.

Of all the Acurus amps I have owned, none have failed in any way and have been quiet as a mouse though I am considering recapping my current pair due to their pushing 20 year age.

If you can get the pair for around $600.00, then I say go for it.  If it does not mate well with your B&Ws, then you should be able to recoup all $$$ with no problem.

agree (as usual) with willand--i owned the a150 and was very pleased--very neutral and less colored than comparably priced b&k, parasound, adcom, etc.
After the second time sending my then new A250 back to Mondial to fix the same annoying buzz, I sold it. Note the buzz had been fixed again, I told the guy who bought it all about it, and have no clue if that pesky buzz reappeared...Mondial may have fixed it for him too! Note it sounded excellent when working properly, and I auditioned one of their preamps and that was great sounding, but by then I was a little too worried about the reliability.