Power Conditioners: Audioquest Niagara 5000 or Shunyata Denali 6000S

I’ve been trying to decide which of these two power conditioners might make a better purchase. Do any of you own either, have chosen one over the other, or better yet, gotten to A/B them? I’ve found some, but not a lot, of information online comparing the two. So I thought I’d ask if any of you might know something more.

They both come in at $4000 retail which is my budgetary limit. The Niagara is active, the Denali passive. Some threads compare the Denal a little less favorably to the twice as expensive Audioquest Niagara 7000, for what that’s worth. I heard that the Audioquest Niagara 5000 may hum or buzz under some cirumstances. Anybody have that issue? I’ll probably never get a chance to demo them out here in the hinterlands so I’m hanging on your every word before I drop another wad of cash on one or the other.

There is also an Audio Magic conditioner at the same $4000 price point, but I didn’t quite understand it’s function in comparison to the other two. I’ll have to reread that product description.Someone else recommended a Richard Gray model that confusingly turned out to be a giant-sized surge protector.

Anyway I’d appreciate if any of you have any input on this somewhat obscure topic of power conditioners. I’m looking at one of these two power conditioners as opposed to a regenerator, or pure isolation transformer, or other type of line conditioner. If it’s of any import my equipment is a VPI Classic 2 SE turntable with an Ortofon 2M Black moving magnet cartridge, a Marantz SA8005 CD player, a Luxman 507uX Mark II integrated amp, and Magico A3 speakers all to be on a dedicated line and plugged into the conditioner. I am not interested in purchasing used.

Thanks for any input or advice. I hope someone out there knows something about these two.


Mike I am going to do you one more favor.


3-2 specials is an excellent bargain.

I had been happily using Analysis Plus power cables for the last 6 years.

I chose them after auditioning at my home 3 different brands loaned by Cable Company 6 years ago.

Three weeks ago I ordered Synergistic Blue power cables based upon 3-2 offer and 30 day’s return policy.

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Combination of Synergistic Blue power cables and Spiritual VX9 power conditioner is a killer at reasonable price.




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I use the Shunyata much older Hydra series with their power cords and I am very happy.  I haven't heard the latest and greatest Shunyata power conditioners.  The Niagra has gotten a lot of rave reviews so I am sure that there is something to that.  I like the Shunyata because of their passive approach.  I have my Mac amp plugged into the smallest Hydra 2. There is  No loss of power and a very black background.  I would think the newer Shunyata line is even better.
Stereo 5, I have been leaning towards the Shunyata Denal 6000S from the reviews I’ve read, but really I don’t know enough to make an informed decision yet. The Niagara 5000 has gotten some good reviews too. I am a little concerned about the Niagara possibly making a humming noise, although Audioquest informed me if there was one, it could be easily remedied. Their one higher model, the Niagara 7000 does make some humming noise due to it’s isolation transformers I read, which the 5000 doesn’t have. No sense paying for noise reduction if the power conditioner puts some back in by humming, while it's removing the rest.

What you’re saying about the Shunyata Hydra providing a very black background is exactly what I’m hoping for. The Magico A3’s I’ve got on back order have a very detailed presentation I’d hate to have muddied by distortion. No loss of power to the amp would be excellent too. Audioquest touts their Niagara’s power reserve capability. Thanks for your reply,

Mike you should definitely talk to @audiotroy about an Isotek EVO3 Sigmas + Synchro combo.
Is it likely that you can consider Synergistic Research products?
They now make power conditioners in many price ranges.
Check out the reviews and audiogon threads on Powercell UEF12?