NHT XD's well built?

Have been considering buying new/used pair of nht xd's. Considering that nht is going out of business, or is out of business, just wanted to know if these babies are built to last.


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I've had absolutely no issues with mine, which I've had for about 3.5 years. Great speakers - the prices now are unbelievable. I've thought about picking up an extra system...
I used to work at a retailer that sold NHT. It was years ago, but IIRC, we almost never had any problems with defective units from NHT.
I've had an Xd 2.1 system for 2+ years. Initially, I had a ground loop buzz, but NHT sent me a free set of RCA to balanced interconnects that solved the issue. I am now running fully balanced from my Transporter/pre into the xDA, and love the results.

In addition to NHT continuing service, you could contact www.audioconsultingservices.com, which are ex-NHT engineers who worked on the original Xd design. They do mods as well as custom filters. That gives 2 options should anything go wrong.

With prices for remaining inventory 1/2 of new, this is an absolute killer deal. If you want great sound quality that will get you off of upgrade-itis, xD's are an excellent choice.
At homecast.net a vendor called ~jhidley is selling Xd satellites with stands at app. $300/pair and woofers at $300 apiece. Now, while these include internal amplification, you must add your own x-over. Aside from the pricing, this may be appealling on 2 levels:

1) The original NHT x-over was a "watered down" unit (from, I believe DEQX) that didn't offer room correction. If you're okay in the price range, you can buy a full blown DEQX unit (new or used) and pick up rc at a relative bargain. By comparison, the full system being offered on clearance by Listen Up is priced higher than the above with a used DEQX, but a bit lower than a system with a new DEQX.

2) The x-over is the most complex piece in the x-d system. Buying this piece from a vendor that is still a going concern may be a good thing.

Good Luck,
