Problem - Gain out of my cable box to my Processor

I'm connecting my Cable Box to a surround processor (Meridian 565) using an optical cable. The sound is very low, I have to really crank it to hear. Tried using a digital cable and have the same issue. The sound is normal if I use either of the same connections coming from my bluray. Anybody had this experience? WHAT TO DO?

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Same issue with Comcast and my Scientific Atlanta HD Box. I suppose you could set the volume to variable and turn it up for a particular movie/show you are watching but would suggest turning it back to fixed after that.
I have Comcast and the same problem.
In the set up menu you can adjust for high compression, light compression or no compression, but no volume level.
I have Verizon FIOS and it has both Compression as well as fixed/variable volume output. I previously had COMCAST but that was a long time ago and I don't recall what my setup options were. I believe there are devices that will level volume outputs for all channels, but I think they cost a couple hundred $s and it ticks me off the service providers won't do this w/i their systems.
Nick778, My Comcast (Motorola HD DVR box) will not allow any volume adjustments.
The 565 if I remember correctly has input sensivity ajustment from 1 volt to 3 volts for every input indepently. It should be in the manual.
Thank you all for your thoughts. I did change the volume output to fixed on the Comcast (Samsung) box. Meridian does allow you to adjusts your inputs via a gain adjustment to make them all approximately the same, but this only works on the analog inputs, not on the digital or optical.
I will look into the compression adjustment, that is a new one for me.
Strangely I have to put the volume up over 3/4 on a 200 watt amp to get a barley decent sound level on regular TV.
Maybe newer equipment is set up to accommodate this?