Correct Way to Connect an EQ in my Hifi System ?

My stereo integrated Marantz PM-11S1 amp has Pre Outs , XLR Balanced in/out,  4 different inputs & (2) tape recorder ins/outs there a way to get all my components hitting an EQ without having to switch RCAs? In the old days with my old receiver I used tape monitor , guessing the Pre outs into EQ but where do I input to EQ (2) turntables / Audioengine B1 streaming device...? Or at least the (2) turntables hitting the EQ without switching RCAs?

(scroll down for pic of back)

Marantz PM-11S1
Technics SL-15 TT
Audioengine B1

thanks !
Usually the tape deck has a switch called input selector or something similar. Also there should be a switch called monitor which selects TAPE or SOURCE. One you will only hear the tape, the other u only hear your sources and Tape is muted.

Can you link the user manual?
Tommy, I have looked at the manual and read some blurbs on the Marantz. I would contact Marantz technical support. I do not think this has the typical " tape monitor " loop as yesteryear, this is why I suggest contacting them. A true tape monitor loop, as mentioned above, would give you the ability to monitor, and compare, the source being recorded, before and after, during the recording process ( a three head tape deck would have been necessary ). A tape monitor circuit ( button ) would need to override the source, enabling them to work, together, as opposed to instead of. To route the tt into the eq, you would require a separate phono section from tt before the eq. Hope it works out for you. Enjoy ! MrD.
Yes, you need a phono stage first.
That’s what I said earlier.
Thanks @mrdecibel ,, bummer that it’s not like a processing loop.
I'll think about this some more.