Correct Way to Connect an EQ in my Hifi System ?

My stereo integrated Marantz PM-11S1 amp has Pre Outs , XLR Balanced in/out,  4 different inputs & (2) tape recorder ins/outs there a way to get all my components hitting an EQ without having to switch RCAs? In the old days with my old receiver I used tape monitor , guessing the Pre outs into EQ but where do I input to EQ (2) turntables / Audioengine B1 streaming device...? Or at least the (2) turntables hitting the EQ without switching RCAs?

(scroll down for pic of back)

Marantz PM-11S1
Technics SL-15 TT
Audioengine B1

thanks !
Tommy, have you tried using your streamer following these instructions to add EQ?

yes , just tried , same result ...I did see the level blinking on EQ , so its getting to unit , just no EQ 
Try emailing or calling customer service, they may put you in touch with a tech. Ask them how to use the Recorder input/output as a processing loop for an external EQ.

I emailed them previously & they suggesting using the Pre Outs & put the component in the chain somehow ....doesnt work for me , whenever I use the turntable input into EQ , super noisy ...I emailed your question again about using Recorder in/out , thanks!