Horns: Why don't they image well?

Anyone have a theory?

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Never heard the 4367’s so I can’t comment on them. But looking at that 3" Mid/Highs driver with massive horn crossing over to a 15" at 700hz makes me curious.

Cheers George
Remember, George is just a man, with just an opinion. I respect his judgement, as I respect his knowledge. We all hear differently, and, at least us old timers, want certain attributes and specifics in our systems. I was attracted to horns, not because of imaging or sound staging, but because of their ease, their effortless, dynamic quality that allows music to flow, like live unamplified music. I certainly hear an image created, a stage being presented, music being created, without boundaries, extending beyond every and all of the walls of my speakers. However, I feel this is not the essence of music. What is the essence, is the musicianship. Take a recording like " A Tribute To Jack Johnson ", by Miles Davis ( the original release ), possibly my favorite of his vast library. Two studio sessions, one recorded on 4 / 7, the other recorded 11 / 11 of 1970, brought forth the amazing arrangements of M.D., along with five other fabulous musicians. Want to hear synchronicity at its finest, play it through a great set of horns. Either your system will, or will not, keep up. Enjoy ! MrD.
For me MrD, I want to see every movement visually, when Miles turns slightly left or right or even facing up then down blatting away on that horn and imagine those fingers moving up and down those valves, as the sound and the visual gives me the complete experience, this is why I opt for big ESL's. 
Or I suppose I could sacrifice that and have TV between the speakers to make up for the visual side and play dvd music discs.
For me not just a wall of sound where the trumpet seems to be an edge-less 8ft tall and wide, same goes with singers mouths, I can get that far cheaper yet not as nice from used Bose 901’s this is where the tv would come in handy.

Cheers George
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George, you can't be serious ? You truly believe that an ESL does not change / exaggerate the image size, and that it is the only design that can show the head movement of Miles. Contrary to what you believe, you are mistaken. However, to each his own. I suggest you listen to that Miles recording I spoke about, and please, get back to me. Enjoy ! MrD.