Opinion of Acurus 2 and 3 channel amplifiers is ... what?

I have an opp to purchase some gently used nearly in perfect condition a200x3 and a250x2 acurus amplifiers for what seems to be reasonable price. Not sure how they would match up with some B&W cdm9nt's. 

Anyone have an opinion on if this is a good match? I know there is better amp choices for more money, but for approx $600 I am not sure I can find a better amp section for the money.  Go or no go?

As I understand it these are acurus amps when acurus was still part of mondial.
Good to know.

When recapping amplifiers - do you suggest sending it back to mfgr or finding a local shop?  If local - what sort of shop would one take it to?

The internals of these Acurus amps are very simple, so any good electronics repair technician can do it.  There are just the two big 23,000 uf cabs for the main power supply and looks like just one small cap per amp board (probably 100uf).
Very simple design but with mil spec parts.  
I will probably send my Acurus amps to these guys sometime in the near future.  Heard/read really good things about them.
