Need advice on pre/pro - Rotel1098/Outlaw990/???

Hello, I need some input on selecting a preamp/processor for my home theater system. I have a merged 2-channel/home theater setup right now. Here is my current gear:
- HK AVR430
- PS3 80GB, Comcast HD Cable, Yamaha DVD player
- Proceed PRE, PDP and CDD, AMP2
- B&W 640's, LCR3 center and JBL rears.
- Sony 42" 1080i LCD

I'm adding a Proceed AMP3 to the mix which will allow me to move up from the HK into a Pre/Pro. My budget for the processor is $1000.

Since my only hi-res input device right now is the PS/3, the capability for the processor to decode TrueHD and Master Audio are not necessary. I have no problem being a bit behind the curve. In fact, I would rather have a higher end/higher performance unit with lesser capabilities.

Audio performance of first and foremost with me. If a processor had outstanding 2-channel audio performance that met or exceeded my Proceed PRE, then I'd consider selling the PRE. I have read in many forums of people suggesting for the best 2-channel performance, to keep your stereo pre-amp in the picture, and I'm very happy with my Proceed preamp.

Right now, the HK is doing component switching between DVD and HD cable. The PS3 runs HDMI into the TV for video and Toslink to the HK for audio. If I got a better picture from cable over HDMI and did all video switching in the receiver, I'd consider this, but this not a priority.

Models I'm considering (in no particular order):
Outlaw 990
- Likes: balanced outputs, 30-day in home no-risk trial, new equipment warranty, price
- dislikes: DVI instead of HDMI, but I probably won't use these.

Rotel 1098
- My B&W dealer is also a Rotel dealer and he says this is an excellent match for my equipment. He has a 1098 demo unit 1098 available with the full Rotel warranty, but this is way out of my budget.
- There appears to be a good supply of 1098's in the used market place ~$1000 price point. I'm concerned about the fact that the warranty is non-transferrable and I have read in some forums of people voicing concerns with failures.

Integra 9.8
- likes: balanced, latest codecs, lot's of favorable comments in online forums on this model
- dislikes: over budget

I appreciate your input and recommendations.

Yeah, I tend to completely over analyze! At the end of the day, I need to replace a ailing Sony ES that's about 10 years old. I could probably get a brick and be sufficiently pleased, but I like the hunt. ;-)

My speakers are Nautilus 805s and DM6s. Sub is an ASW-3000 and my amp is a Rotel-985. So, despite age, the rest of my core gear is decent. Once I get a good pre/pro I will add a Blue Ray and sit tight until I see fit to upgrade the amp.

While I like the idea of the higher end gear, I'm swayed by the fact that the 885 is somewhat current and receives such positive reviews. I don't pay attention to this stuff everyday like some of the gurus, but it seems like pre/pros are in a bit of a transition with the onset of HDMI and newer formats. So, a relatively good performing and inexpensive pre/pro that will serve me well for a couple of years is looking like a no brainer. Might order one tonight, but I would also like to hear Jeff's thoughts regarding your questions.


I hear you with regard to getting something current and then enjoying it. I don't need the latest and greatest each year - heck my main speakers turned 18 years old this year!

My only beef right now with the 885 is the logo-fest on the face of it! Thankfully the Onkyo Pro has that door to hide a bunch of the buttons as opposed to the Integra 9.8 - that face is soooo busy.

I'm tempted to order ASAP as well, but I'm going out of town for 6 days so it will need to wait. My first day back at work my Proceed AMP-3 will be arriving so I'll probably want to get that into the mix first anyway. You know, just change one thing at a time.

If you do purchase one, I look forward to hearing your experience with it and how good the refurbished unit is.


No problems/issues with the 885 so far. The HDMI switching and Reon video processing are nice additions.

But, for me, it is audibly inferior to the EAD, especially in Stereo. It was not subtle to me, but I've lived with the EAD for over 2 years. The EAD is more transparent, detailed, and accurate. The big thing for me is that the EAD is more musical. But, this shouldn't be a huge surprise since the EAD is really based on a DAC and sold for $4500.

And please don't get the impression that the 885 doesn't sound good. I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that it is not the equal of an audiphile DAC/preamp. Just as the EAD was not the analog equivalent of a tube preamp.

Anyway, I'm starting to get used to the Onkyo's sound, whether it is break-in or my ears adjusting. Since it is a refurb, I'd say it is my ears.

It should be a nice upgrade over the HK and shouldn't be disappointing.

Let me add a few caveats on my impressions...I've only had the 885 for a week (refurb from Accessories4less) and I haven't setup audyssey yet. I've tried other EQ systems and haven't been happy with the results, but I will get there eventually. Others have generally liked the results from MCACC, etc, but I haven't and I'm definitely in the minority in that case. In theory, Audyssey should be better.

As far as your system, I'd probably start by using the unbalanced outputs to the Proceed PRE's SSP input. That will allow you to swap to 2-channel via the remote. You can also experiment with the extra balanced input on your PRE to see which you prefer.

BTW, my refurb has worked flawlessly and I cannot find a single mark on it. So, I would definitely recommend the Accessories4less route.

Let me know if you have any other questions.


I have a Proceed PAV/PDSD pair that I use with a Proceed Amp 2 and an Amp 3. I am attracted to the idea of replacing the PDSD with an Integra 9.8 for its HDMI and Audessey, if I can bypass the Integra's processing for analog as the PSDS permits you to do, but I'm not sure the Integra has that capability. Do you know, and how would you accomplish it? There appears to be no Integra dealer in Santa Barbara, so I've never actually seen a 9.8.


That is great feedback. I like the comment about burning in/training your ears - ain't that the truth! I'm glad to hear your positive experience with the refurb from Acc4less - that puts me at ease. I believe that the Proceed only has rca inputs for the SSP, so that settles that.


Take a look at the review links that Dave (lodi) posted earlier in this thread. I know at least one of them explains the different bypass modes in detail. There are three modes on the 885. Actually, that is one of the few items where the 9.8 and 885 differ. I believe the 885 has one additional bypass mode.

I've never seen either of these units in action, I'm just going to buy and try. The nice thing about going with the 885 refurb, is that you have a 30 day return policy with no restocking fee.
