No problems/issues with the 885 so far. The HDMI switching and Reon video processing are nice additions.
But, for me, it is audibly inferior to the EAD, especially in Stereo. It was not subtle to me, but I've lived with the EAD for over 2 years. The EAD is more transparent, detailed, and accurate. The big thing for me is that the EAD is more musical. But, this shouldn't be a huge surprise since the EAD is really based on a DAC and sold for $4500.
And please don't get the impression that the 885 doesn't sound good. I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that it is not the equal of an audiphile DAC/preamp. Just as the EAD was not the analog equivalent of a tube preamp.
Anyway, I'm starting to get used to the Onkyo's sound, whether it is break-in or my ears adjusting. Since it is a refurb, I'd say it is my ears.
It should be a nice upgrade over the HK and shouldn't be disappointing.
Let me add a few caveats on my impressions...I've only had the 885 for a week (refurb from Accessories4less) and I haven't setup audyssey yet. I've tried other EQ systems and haven't been happy with the results, but I will get there eventually. Others have generally liked the results from MCACC, etc, but I haven't and I'm definitely in the minority in that case. In theory, Audyssey should be better.
As far as your system, I'd probably start by using the unbalanced outputs to the Proceed PRE's SSP input. That will allow you to swap to 2-channel via the remote. You can also experiment with the extra balanced input on your PRE to see which you prefer.
BTW, my refurb has worked flawlessly and I cannot find a single mark on it. So, I would definitely recommend the Accessories4less route.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
No problems/issues with the 885 so far. The HDMI switching and Reon video processing are nice additions.
But, for me, it is audibly inferior to the EAD, especially in Stereo. It was not subtle to me, but I've lived with the EAD for over 2 years. The EAD is more transparent, detailed, and accurate. The big thing for me is that the EAD is more musical. But, this shouldn't be a huge surprise since the EAD is really based on a DAC and sold for $4500.
And please don't get the impression that the 885 doesn't sound good. I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that it is not the equal of an audiphile DAC/preamp. Just as the EAD was not the analog equivalent of a tube preamp.
Anyway, I'm starting to get used to the Onkyo's sound, whether it is break-in or my ears adjusting. Since it is a refurb, I'd say it is my ears.
It should be a nice upgrade over the HK and shouldn't be disappointing.
Let me add a few caveats on my impressions...I've only had the 885 for a week (refurb from Accessories4less) and I haven't setup audyssey yet. I've tried other EQ systems and haven't been happy with the results, but I will get there eventually. Others have generally liked the results from MCACC, etc, but I haven't and I'm definitely in the minority in that case. In theory, Audyssey should be better.
As far as your system, I'd probably start by using the unbalanced outputs to the Proceed PRE's SSP input. That will allow you to swap to 2-channel via the remote. You can also experiment with the extra balanced input on your PRE to see which you prefer.
BTW, my refurb has worked flawlessly and I cannot find a single mark on it. So, I would definitely recommend the Accessories4less route.
Let me know if you have any other questions.