@skyscraper-- given that both brands of power conditioner you are asking about are from major companies with pretty large distribution networks in the States, is there a way to get the opportunity for home trial?
That may mean paying for the units with the right to return one or both of them- does MusicDirect carry both since you are only interested in new, not used?
My experience with power conditioners is that they do yield a difference but whether that is an improvement may be something only you can decide based on your ears and your system. It also seems that these devices are not a one time investment because there seem to be continual improvements.
I’ve pretty much abandoned conditioners about 10 or so years ago, so my experience may be dated. I do use a 10kVA iso transformer with surge protection feeding a subpanel that routes some dedicated lines to the music room and it does not seem to negatively affect sonics.
There is probably some burn in time, and even 30 days for evaluation may not be sufficient, but if you want the best answer, it’s probably going to come from your own experience with any of these devices in your system.
That may mean paying for the units with the right to return one or both of them- does MusicDirect carry both since you are only interested in new, not used?
My experience with power conditioners is that they do yield a difference but whether that is an improvement may be something only you can decide based on your ears and your system. It also seems that these devices are not a one time investment because there seem to be continual improvements.
I’ve pretty much abandoned conditioners about 10 or so years ago, so my experience may be dated. I do use a 10kVA iso transformer with surge protection feeding a subpanel that routes some dedicated lines to the music room and it does not seem to negatively affect sonics.
There is probably some burn in time, and even 30 days for evaluation may not be sufficient, but if you want the best answer, it’s probably going to come from your own experience with any of these devices in your system.