Horns: Why don't they image well?

Anyone have a theory?

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George, you can't be serious ? You truly believe that an ESL does not change / exaggerate the image size, and that it is the only design that can show the head movement of Miles. Contrary to what you believe, you are mistaken. However, to each his own. I suggest you listen to that Miles recording I spoke about, and please, get back to me. Enjoy ! MrD.
kosst, I implore you, as well, to listen to that Miles recording, through your F5 / Focal 936 system. If you do not hear compression, then I question your hearing ability, or your audio knowledge of what compression is. I cannot say it any other way. Enjoy ! MrD. 
Um I was just trying to point out that the m2/4367 use a different horn waveguide and as such would sound a lot different than la scalas or smith horns. I have always enjoyed and respected georoge's posts, and I have no doubt that audio psychic convey a better imaging stage compared to older horn designs.
Also like you mr. d, i did not get my horns because I wanted that pinpoint imaging, that just turned out to be a big bonus for me. I got them for their impressive off the charts dynamic capabilities, high sensitivity and ease of use to mate with tube amps, or low watt class a, and sense of scale and 'thereness' that a good horn system does better than a good standard 3 way. that is just my experience, at least.

Nothing quite like Heresys in a large warehouse...however, with Heresy IIIs 9 feet from my head the imaging is astonishingly good. Come on over and hear 'em George (see, I know he's in Australia and unlikely to find me here near Boston, still...).