Horns: Why don't they image well?

Anyone have a theory?

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Don't know whether you would consider these horn speakers, but they are superb and the image well:


dc10Audio / Viking Acoustics Berlin R's.

Funny...one of the first statements I hear when people listen to my customized pre 2006 Avantgardes is how well they image.

Listening to a lot of other systems I tend to agree...my Horns do indeed image well!

Of course it probably helps that I listen in a 1250 sq. ft. studio/loft with 16 ft. high ceilings!

Yes, thank you for the constant, daily reminder of your studio loft, connections to important people and access to recording studios. Thank you for letting every corner of the internet know of your advantages in life and in this hobby.
I'm not sure what acoustic advantage a loft with 16 foot ceilings would provide, unless you got to keep some rugs, wall hangings, and soft furniture after the divorce.
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