Power Cord suggestion please

Have two new active speakers (Fluid Fx8).  want to upgrade the base power cord.  However, since i need two matched, don't want to break the bank.  12 gauge will work as only 130watts total in the 2 internal amps.  

So, price to performance power cords?     Signal Cable?  anti-cables?  Pangea?
Thanks Much in advance

It would be a wonderful world if changing a piece of wire improved sound quality! Alas ...
You need a Cullen Crossover power cord, which is 12awg.
I have 2 Cullen power cords and ordered a new Crossover II for a new preamp in my system.
I have a crossover. Beautiful workmanship. I was and remain a skeptic, but may hear slight bass increases and better soundstage. Pat is a great guy.
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I’m not promoting anything. As I recall, you suggested Cullen when I asked. I remain a partial skeptic.