Apple vs Amazon

I'm not fully committed to streaming yet. DAC is low end. Finishing a 3 month free Apple Music trial. In truth, it doesn't sound that bad to me but tonight I started a 3 month Amazon Music trial and just after spending about an hour with it, it seems to sound better than Apple Music running through the exact same system. Fuller. Richer. More precise bass. No A/B testing, just a general impression. It might even be the music selection. I don't know. Is there any actual reason for this to be true? Or is it just me?
OS is old 10.10.  iTunes is 12.8. Performance is better on my new iMac (latest versions etc) but still a bit buggy and the bugs I'm having are being reported fairly widely with lots of frustration.

Amazon Music would be the current version.
My experience with iTunes has been very positive. I started ripping all my CDs as either AIFF or ALAC lossless files about 8 years ago. I really can't tell any difference between the two. I have 4 systems in different rooms and I stream my ripped files wireless from either an iMac or a MacBook Pro to either an Apple TV or an Airport Express and use the optical output to a DAC. We use our iPhones or iPads as remotes. In my opinion, the SQ is as good or better than several systems I have heard with dedicated music streamers.

In 8 years of use I have never had a dropout, cutout, navigation issue, or slow loading pages with iTunes. Actually iTunes has always worked flawlessly. During that timeframe I have installed several versions of MacOS and several versions of iTunes all with no problems.  

I typically do not use online music streaming services but i have had several free trials with Apple Music and Amazon Music. I found Apple Music to sound better than Amazon Music but both are fine for  casual listening or background music. For serious listening they don't compare with my lossless ripped files.


ALAC should be better than MP3 imo, higher sampling rates and bit depths.
MP3 is the lowest quality.
I think Apple Music uses AAC. But I'm pretty clueless on file formats. I do not think they stream ALAC files.

I can't find a clear answer as to what file format Amazon Unlimited Music uses but they were mp3 years ago.

Anyway, I'm still experimenting. Feel like I would need a better DAC and wireless set up to take advantage of Tidal hi-fi. Not sure how Tidal standard res compares to other streaming services.

There is a $2 per month discount on Amazon music for Prime members, which I am.
I know you are specifically asking about apple vs amazon but if you ever want to try something different you may want to do a Deezer trial. Huge library and good interface IMO. I switched from Tidal to Deezer.