Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
When I was designing my new home theater room in 2009, a pal gave me some Thiel Power Points to try out.   They were very impressive, such clever engineering, and they worked as advertised.

Ultimately I preferred a bigger richer,  relaxed sound so went with my Hales set up.   But the power points were really cool.
Tom Thiel,
it would be very interesting whether you could say something more about the negative aspect of lowering the RF of the cabinet, very interested in more understanding of this interaction with general loudspeaker performance a part the benefit I experienced.
unsound - What you envision could be done with the SCS, but not the PowerPoint. The SCS has the same driver and XO, but its cabinet is made for 3D space.

The PowerPoint's genius (patented -?-) is its 45° wave launch from a known, unobstructed plane - ceiling is best, walls work OK. The geometry obviates the problems of floor bounce and unknown reflection environment.

Because the ear-brain doesn't differentiate well in the vertical plane, and because the wave-front propagates evenly from the ceiling, the image presents as centered floor to ceiling. Add a woofer beneath it and the image locks into 3D space very believably.

I am accumulating some original PowerPoints for parts. The PP1.2 has an all aluminum enclosure which makes a surprising improvement.
silva - I believe that you made improvements. I am merely addressing the physics of the cause. I suggest googling "speaker enclosure resonances" or somesuch and see what you can learn.

It's quite complex - resonances couple when harmonically linked (like octaves, etc.) But a very big deal is that the lower a resonance occurs the greater the available energy to stimulate it and the longer it will last in time (all else equal) . . . both being detrimental. The dance is to shorten their duration and push them higher where there is less available energy to stimulate.

Lead is mechanically very absorptive and self-dampening. It is the right idea for the right result, but the lowered resonance frequency is an undesired by-product rather than the cause of improvement.