Time for a Pre change? Need the wisdom...

I bought a mac C 41preamp and a pair of AA 10T’s. 

There is a harsh edge riding on the high end... I cant get rid of it.  I have changed everything out and still cant remove it...... I have the opportunity to buy a Parasound A21 and a P6....  What’s the feeling here on this era of Mac? I have had people I respect and in the business prefer the Parasound over the Mac. 

Is the Mac on the bright side and is the P6 in the same ballpark. I have emailed AA about the harshness... maybe xover or maybe bad tweets? It’s killing me. I feel if I clean house (amp- pre) with new equipment I will have a better chance at getting to the relaxing listening days again.

All opinions are welcome... I have a thick skin as I know everything... lol
I actually have used those 10awg Beldon speaker wire from Blue Jean.  It makes an okay subwoofer speaker cable, but they overall lacking in my opinion.  They lacked the high frequency resolution and made the system sound "low fidelity" in a sense.  Even the normal 12awg stranded OFC copper "Monster Cable" speaker wire were higher resolution than the Beldon.  The Beldon is a bundled copper - I don't think it's even OFC.  Just so that you know.  I guess if you want to roll off the highs, that's great, but it won't give you the "air" and "depth" that other speaker cables will.
Have you yourself heard a Mac to verify this? McIntosh is not bright or harsh sounding. If anything, they are more laid back. If you haven't heard the McIntosh equipment yourself, then you really don't know what they sound like.   I would love for some other McIntosh owners to chime in.

One of the worst sounding systems was with Macs, but also Triangle speakers. Absolute ear drills to me. I did not follow up, but from time to time I hear this comment about some components. << shrug >>
@erik_squires ……………………………..

I can't comprehend that you find Mac bright, but not your class D amps.  I am the opposite, Class D has always sounded bright to me, but not Mac.  How is it possible that you and I hear so differently?  I am doubtful that my hearing is that rolled off  although I am 65.
I have never heard a Mac be bright sounding, even their SS offerings. I would say you can almost go too much to the warm side with some Mac products
McIntosh amps and preamps are well known for being warm tonally even their SS amps. I've never heard any Mac gears that are bright or harsh sounding.

What is your power amp?