Time for a Pre change? Need the wisdom...

I bought a mac C 41preamp and a pair of AA 10T’s. 

There is a harsh edge riding on the high end... I cant get rid of it.  I have changed everything out and still cant remove it...... I have the opportunity to buy a Parasound A21 and a P6....  What’s the feeling here on this era of Mac? I have had people I respect and in the business prefer the Parasound over the Mac. 

Is the Mac on the bright side and is the P6 in the same ballpark. I have emailed AA about the harshness... maybe xover or maybe bad tweets? It’s killing me. I feel if I clean house (amp- pre) with new equipment I will have a better chance at getting to the relaxing listening days again.

All opinions are welcome... I have a thick skin as I know everything... lol
I've had VMPS RM40 ribbon speakers that are highly detailed and transparent.  I went the same route as you seem to be going.  Changed to Teo Game Changer II ICs.  Then went to double Teo GCII ICs.  Each change brought more organic sound and more beautiful.  The double ICs are simply freakin' awesome.  They WILL change your mid about the importance of cables in the system.  It is as big a change as a major component upgrade.  Lastly, I went to Cerious Technology Graphene Extreme speaker cables.  It took the sound a little further in the same direction.  On all the wires, I had silver wires from Darwin and Amadi on all the ICs and SCs prior to this.  They were much better in all ways than several different cables I had used previously.  Cerious has now come out with the Matrix version of the CTGE speakers cables that is even better as all frequencies, but it is now silver wired--that MAY be a problem in your system.  By the way, I have Nuforce Ref 9 V3 SE mono amps that are Class D and sound beautiful in the system.  They have the TDSS level 3 upgrades done to them.
I dont have a great deal of monies to invest in speaker wire...whats the feeling in the Anti-cables solid core. I could spend that... I do like making my own so any help with this would be so kind.

I thank all of you for the help I am getting here...

I feel at this point the Mac is fine so it’s on to the cables and amp.

This means a lot to me.... thank you
mattmiller.... thank you. I needed that. I have always wanted Mcintosh gear since I heard and saw the first set in 1971 when I was at Andrews AFB... will never forget that day... that's when it started. lol 

I have contacted AA but nothing yet. I also contacted my friend who is a rep in the business to see if he has some cables I can borrow to hear what I have done to myself... don't forget, I know everything...lol until I come here and get schooled! :)
I have Mac 601 monoblocks with a C-2300 tube preamp driving Sonus Faber Guarneri Evolutions.  All high end SR cabling.  In a search for "detail" I went to the Rollerblock isolation technology and my system got so bright it was almost unlistenable.   Quite a feat when you consider those components as none are considered bright, in fact the opposite.  What I discovered was all the detail especially in the HF range was overpowering my room.  With lots of research and the help of GIK Acoustics we treated side wall 1rst & 2nd reflection points with absorption as well as immediately behind listening position.  We used difusion on front and back walls as well.  Results are incredible...soundstage off the charts with lots of detail but no harshness or glare.....very musical.  I have a few pictures on virtual systems.  You might give your room treatments a closer look.
Happy listening!
Duelund speaker wire is very good and affordable. For a 10 foot pair either 16 gauge ($120) or 12 gauge ($240) from Parts Conexion. Look up user grannyring or Acoustic BBQ if you want a premade pair. It probably won't hang with a $$$$ set of wires but can compete against anything <$1k, some may sayer higher.