B&W 805 or Monitor Audio Silver for Creek 5350SE?

I'm looking for some feedback on speakers for my new system, which is a 1st gen. Creek 5350SE, Marantz SA8001 SACD player, Dual CS5000 turntable with Grado cartridge, Home Depot 12 gauge speaker wire and handmade interconnects. I'm currently running vintage Heybrook HB2s purchased new around 1980 (square tweeter plate), and wish to upgrade. Based on Stereophile reviews, I've wanted B&W 805s for years, but I'm not sure the 5350SE can power them. An option would be the Monitor Audio Silver RS6 for 1/2 the price (rave Stereophile review, powered by Creek 5350SE amp & Creek CD player), but I read in Agon forums that RS6's are bright, which quite frankly sets my teeth on edge.

So two questions:
#1- is 85 watts/channel enough power for the B&W 805s in a 12'x16' listening room?
#2- are the Monitor Audio Silver RS6s fatiguing to listen to (bearing in mind I like my Grado cartridge)?
If it helps, I'm planning to switch to Audioquest King Cobra interconnects in the near future because they're recommended as a good match for the Marantz SA8001.
I'd appreciate any experience-based input anyone can give me on this.
Thanks for the silver wire tip: I'd come to the same conclusion myself.

As another speaker option, how about Dunlavy Audio Laboratories SC-IV loudspeakers? According to what I've read, they're pretty neutral, have decent bass, and they're in the same price range as used B&Ws. Will 85 watts per channel be enough to drive them?
I can't help you there. They are pretty sensitive (92dB/W/m), but will 85 watts command two 10" woofers?
Update: I finally bought the MA RS6s from a fellow Agoner last week (for a third of the price of 805n loudspeakers), and love them. I'd switched from Home Depot speaker wire to Anti-Cables a year ago, and was disappointed with the sound, so of course I switched back to them when I set up the RS6s.

Knownothing, those metal RS6s tweeters don't sound bright at all when paired with the Creek, so RR can be forgiven this time.

Next step? Maybe the MIT interconnects RR used in his RS6 review, too...
The RS/6 can perform AMAZINGLY well if you pair them with high-end products, especially Ayre and Linn products -- which is what I heard them on when I first fell in love. I'm still chasing that sound trying to get away with using lower priced gear. I'm not there yet, but getting closer with every new purchase and tweak.

Try using all Morrow cables. I've used the RS/6 with NAD and now Creek. Using all Morrow resolved music better than Anti-Cable, Transparent, Audioquest, Kimber and Tara Lab cables. The higher up the chain for Morrow, the better it gets; even the low priced Morrow cables are good - but don't expect miracles at this level. I'm really loving the MP3, SP3 and MA3 level right now.

Also, to really make the RS/6 magical, toe them in very slightly, and try various wall treatments on the first reflection points at the side walls (if you have a smaller room) to reduce reflection, or put them in a fairly large room. You'll hear what you've been missing because these speakers can perform very well if given a good environment.