Hendrix 50th Anniversary Electric Ladyland Box Release

Looking forward to release tomorrow. In my humble opinion one of the greatest albums ever. Imagine hearing this album when it was released, Compositionally and technically from another time and place, truly ground breaking. Thanks Jimi!!!!!!!
From Axis Bold As Love: "I've got my own life to live through - and I ain't gonna copy you!" - If Six Was Nine. Lest we forget, Jimi had to go to London first to be "discovered" - before his return to America. Electric Ladyland was first issued by Track Records UK with the risque cover - then replaced with the "safer" cover for the Warner's US release!
Anybody here remember seeing Hendrix on the David Frost TV show? Talked with Frost and then got to play one song - with his teeth! July '69 - before Woodstock.
I watched it on a black-n-white TV at my high school friend's house, along with his father. We thought that teeth trick was Jimi just being a show-off!
Jimi was discovered in the US by Chas Chandler who was looking for an act to kick off his new career as a record producer.  Chas had Jimi sign a management contract with Michael Jeffery, the guy Chas always complained had screwed The Animals out of their money.  Jeffery did the same to Jimi and Jimi died amonst his "friends" in London less than 4 years later, disgusted with the music business and the people he was involved with.

I saw Hendrix on his first tour of the U.S. (at either The Fillmore or Carousel Ballroom, I don’t remember), in support of the debut album. He and his band were firing on all 8 cylinders, absolutely blazing. I then saw them at Winterland on their next tour, for the second album. He seemed bored, just going through the motions. Or was it my impending drastic change in musical taste?

Whichever, he soon changed course, dumping Mitch and Noel, hiring the rhythm section of Buddy Miles and Billy Cox. I never saw them, and completely lost interest in the type of music Jimi made. Most people didn’t ;-) . His music has held up quite well, still sounding contemporary. Definitely the most influential guitarist of his generation. Stylish dresser, too. His and his band's duds look like "costumes" to me, but that's what England seems to like; another difference between English and American bands, most especially, of course, those of the hippie persuasion.