Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic

I think this topic deserves its own thread , where use double ic through y adapters , from source to preamp, Can’t connect it from Preamp to Amp...For me the result is huge, I can’t go back to single ic....
...just bought a stereo 5 meter run from the preamp to the amp, and another 1 meter from the CD player to the pre.   I'm using the current 1 meter from the turntable....Very pleased.  I'll post more when I get the long one.
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I got the cables from Audio Sensibility.....They don’t list it on their website but he will make the cables for you.....ask for Impact SE....get 2 cables for each channel (4 cables/stereo pair)...get them configured "single parallel pair".....  no need to use low quality Y connectors
Ah, very good! I'm glad that the Schroeder Method has passed muster! 
Based on the use of the Audio Sensibility Y cables I'm sure the double ICs are gorgeous sounding. 

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