Recommended crossovers for Maggie 20.1s

A number of contributors to these forums have voiced dissatisfaction with the stock Maggie crossover units. So what do you recommend as a replacement that would provide noticeable improvement? The Mye Stands have helped a lot, I could get larger amps (using Krell fpb 350 monos) but don't know a thing about crossovers.
sorry for the lack of any concrete information but I remember reading (years ago) in Stereophile or TAS that a costly crossover for the 20 (or 20.1) resulted in a minor upgrade. The concensus was that money was better spent elsewhere. I know the 3.6 and 1.6 can be easily upgraded this way but, according to this article, the 20.1 was apparently not.
Puerto, 20's and 20.1's always sound better when biamped with an active x-over in my listening experience. I would recommend the Bryston x-over, I use it in my system, which I believe retails for around $2800.00 these days. Also take a look at my recent review of Martin Logan Depth subwoofers, used as a pair, that has brought my 20's to much higher level of performance across the board.
I had the Marchand solid state, which was just OK. I suspect the Bryston is better, and the Pass Labs is better than that if you have the $$$. I haven't hear the tube Marchand. I ended up with a 2-way custom Xover made by Tom Tutay. It wasn't cheap - but it was GREAT! Really opened up the system. Ultimately sold it all because the Maggies were too big for my room.