Avalon Acoustics?

What's the deal with them?  I see their website is up to date, but it's been years since I've seen a review or really seen anyone mention or recommend them.  What happened?
My last contact with Avalon Acoustics was to replace self inflicted damage to a standard Eidolon tweeter which was handled very smoothly over three years ago.

My second hand news is quite dated that their sales staff has changed somewhat and are prioritizing their efforts in the European and Asian markets. You’re asked to contact Avalon directly for current U.S. marketing.

I seem to recall they showed at the 2017 RMAF , but in a different hotel than where rmaf was held ,. Down the street from rmaf's location.
What happened.....they became too over priced.One of my favorite speakers over the years and I've owned a few models but last time I looked which I admit has been a while,their cost are just stupid.Way better speakers available for way less money...thats what happened, IMO.
They make a good speaker, however they use mostly Acuton diamond and ceramic midrange drivers made to their specifications. The bad news is  if you need to replace any drivers  they have to be purchased from Avalon and their pricing is extremely high. Got abused once and will never do that again.