Upgrade SACD/CD player from DCS Puccini to better DCS, Esoteric or EMM Labs?

I love the Puccini, but realize technology has moved on. I have thousands of SACDs and Redbook CDs, and many downloaded high resolution audio files.

I listened to a Vivaldi player-Rossini DAC combination at my friendly local dealer and it did not sound significantly better on Redbook CDs than the Puccini I currently own. However, there are many filters to play with on any DCS device to adjust sound...so I may not have given it a reasonable hearing.

I do not want to spend the money to buy the Vivaldi stack or Vivaldi One, although I could if need be. So, I am looking at slightly less expensive solutions like the Esoteric (P1, K01X, etc) and the newest EMM transport/DAC combinations. 

Any suggestions? I like analytical sound. My system currently includes McIntosh C22 tube preamp (newest version), ARC GS150 amplifier, and Wilson Audio Sasha 2 loudspeakers. The listening room is great, I have a great line conditioner and great cables.

Thank-you in advance for any advice - I do not have the ability to listen to all the high end (and now becoming archaic) SACD/CD/DAC combinations available for sale.
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anwar - I have often wondered about the Marantz SA-10 SACD player. I heard the PS Audio DirectStrem combination and they seemed fine, although slightly less resolution than the DCS Puccini. The Marantz, on paper, would seem to represent a good product, but I have not read any reviews, although it has been out for a while, and I have not listened to one.

bar81 - The D'Agistino Momentum preamplifier sounds great, and the cost is not a problem, but I am more of a tube person.

caphill - I agree with you about the McIntosh - but I did get a great deal on it, and it reminds me of my youth. About bass - an instrument I used to play - my listening room is mostly underground or surrounded by 4 ft thick stone walls. Bass is a problem, and after reading Floyd Toole's book (2017) - "Sound Reproduction: The Acoustics and Psychoacoustics of Loudspeakers and Rooms (Audio Engineering Society Presents)", I realized the room was not properly reproducing very low frequencies (<40 HZ), a range I can still hear in my dotage. I could have inserted an equalizer into the loop, but I actually like the dulcet sound of the McIntosh preamp, which I can bypass if need be, depending on the music.

I may have found a solution to my search....more to follow...
Do you have the clock?  Maybe you just need to optimize the Puccini to get what you are looking for.  The clock makes a big difference IMO.  
Vitus Audio makes really good digital front end components they are very musical very analog sounding. I don’t know if you have access to Vitus Audio. They are Danish. I would put Vitus a serious consideration and they are comparable with DCS, Esoteric and MSB. CH Precision, T&A, Tidal, MBL, Soulution also make outstanding digital front end components. All these along with DCS, Esoteric & MSB make phenomenal gears If you can afford them. The Marantz SA-10 is good but not on the same level as these guys. I’ve heard the Marantz SA-10 and it is very good very fluid musical.