Best Preamp New or Used up to $3,000 ??

Okay I am listening. The models I am looking at are:
Audible Illusions L3 .$2,000+
Aesthetic Calypso.$2,000+.
Prima Luna Dialogue $2,200
EAR 834L.$1,700.
Benchmark LA4 (New) $2,600.
McIntosh 2500.$4,000 (Over budget but has tone controls and Phono stage)
Other Equipment: Cary MK 120-s, Oppo 205, Older Tannoys FSMs-very efficient.
Music I enjoy: Vocals, 70 db, Near field position.
So if you have owned any of the above, please share your experience.
I am attracted to these brands as they seem to place value on things related to musicality.
Separate quality Power supply, Dual Mono setup, Quality components. Remotes (except EAR)
So what am I not valuing that I should be?
Thanks in advance.

Synergy with your other components is key.  In your price range the McIntosh C220 tune pre amp is certainly a contender.

I have 2.6 Maggies driven by McIntosh 501s via a C220 pre amp that I paid 2,500 for.  After years of searching, I quit changing components and just got into my music.

Your ears may differ in sound choice, but think synergy between amp, pre amp and speakers.
Not on your list and easier to get in UK is a Croft 25R - sublime phono and line preamp. I have in rega R8 / croft / ATC P1 power/ Harbeth

It’s a combo valve hybrid - it isn’t the prettiest - noone notices small footprint - but I’ll never sell. 

With your 10kohm input impedance on the DNA500 it need 2.2v for full output, very hard to get a tube or passive to work with this.
@dsper FWIW I know of a couple of tube preamps that have no problem with this sort of load whatsoever.