My first Tube Amplifier

I have a 40 years of audio history starting with Garrard Turntable, Fisher Intergrated(SS), ADS bookself speaker on 1978.

But I started using tube amplifier on 1999.

Since then I had been using only tube amplifier in my main system.

My last SS main amplifier was Krell KSA 150 to drive Apogee Duetta Signature speakers.

My first tube amplifier was Jadis 500 which comprised of 4 pieces weighing 120 lb each.

B&W 801 driven by Jadis 500 gave most deep and powerful bass at my home.

But it generated too much heat so it was hard to use during summer.

It was memorable experience to use it for 4 years.

I may not go back to such monster tube amplifier again.

How about you?

What is your first tube amplifier?

I bet two cents on no one had used larger one as the first tube amplifier than mine.

" Pretty sure that thing was a Marantz...certainly not a McIntosh...I remember it was absolutely tubed."

Nope, the Model 18 was the first receiver by Marantz and the only tube in it was the scope, all receivers are solid state. Tuners, amps and preamps yes.

Congratulation on getting tube pre amp.

Next step will be to get tube power amp to get the best warmth out of tube.
My first stereo tube amp was also my first deal on Audiogon a c-j Premiere 11a.  I never really liked the amp it didn’t sound much different from my previous SS integrated. I sold it pretty quickly and I’ve had many tube amps after that and I’ll never go back to the 6550 tube again.
My first tube amp was a Magnovox console amp I bought for a whole $200. It's a great little amp that led me to an HH Scott tube reciever that I hope to use in a second system someday. It's been all tubes ever since for me with a 300B SET being my fav.
Mine was a 1962 Dynaco St-70 that I built from the kit. I completely rebuilt it 3 years ago and it plays in my main system now. I have a HK Citation II that I believe is the best tube amp ever designed.
I call it the beast that plays like Angels singing. I use it when playing Jazz and classical music