Dynaudio C20 vs other monitors in the 4-7k range

A localish pair of these came available and I am wondering what the consensus is vs other premium monitors. Heard the C1s years ago and loved them.
Descent price but I would be driving over an hour each way. Figure I can at least break even on them if they don't work out. 
Would be driving them with a Lyngdorf TDIA 2170 crossed over to a JL Fathom sub.
Room dimensions around 12×14ft. 
Thanks in advance for any feedback. 
If you can get them at a nice price I would try them. Nice speakers and the sub and Lyngdorf will play nice with them. I've owned earlier model Contours 1.4s and the Contour 3.4s as well. Very clear and detailed sound. I wasn't impressed with the Joseph Audio Pulsars although I thought I would be. The Dynaudio sound is definitely different than the Harbeth sound. Dynaudio is like ripping the plastic off the Harbeths. Harbeths do have great mid range.
I've heard the C1s for a couple hours at a dealer and liked them quite a bit. Has anyone compared directly the C20 and C1? I didn't care for the S1.4 much. Too dark and slow in the audition I had. I've internet stalked a bit and seen some say the C20 is better than the C1 and Vice Versa. 
I'll probably just see if I can make the deal happen. I could at least bank a couple hundred if I dont like them I feel. 
I have the Contour 20's and I'm really happy with it. Its my first Dynaudio and first "proper" bookshelf speaker. I was accompanying a friend at the local dealer as he was auditioning speakers and by chance I heard the C20's with a Pass Labs integrated and I was smitten.

My room size is 12.5 x 15 feet almost identical to the OP. I too found the bass wanting on more than one occasion (previous speakers were floorstanders) so I got an entry level REL T5i sub. After obsessively fiddling around with the crossover and sub volume settings I could not be happier.

It's a fantastic speaker, musical and refined. They just need really good stands. I made the mistake of not getting the factory Dynaudio stands in an effort to save $ and ended up regretting it. 

Welcome! My floorstander was a Dali Ikon 6, it served me well for 9 years. The Dyns are in a completely different league imaging and resolution wise thanks to the esotar tweeter, granted my Ikon 6 was quite old already. 

Since I was missing bass I auditioned the contour 30 as well but for some reason preferred the contour 20's, it sounded better to my ears. As long as you get your sub dialed in and have proper stands I think you will enjoy!