Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
Sorry to see it, Frank.  Be sure to wear a face mask, N95 is a must, if there is toxic smoke or if you are breathing airborne dust containing combustion byproducts.  Many will be incurring cardiovascular and respiratory damage. Much of this will be revealed in public health reporting later, just as in NYC.  Please get back to us. 

Thanks, jafreeman ...

I have two large Honeywell Hepa filters going 24/7 to purify the air in my place. Finally got the smoke smell out of the house. I'm not going anywhere and just staying inside except to get the daily mail. Even though you can't see smoke in the air around here anymore, when I go outside, the coughing begins. Fine grey ashes are everywhere too. I'm so lucky and grateful that my place wasn't touched. If I could describe the fire blowing over the road when we evacuated in simple terms ... it was like a giant roaring blowtorch. 

My friend Robert came over last night for a listening session. The Total Contact treatment to the speaker crossovers and an additional Omega E Mat in the second circuit breaker box has made a very significant improvement. Everything we played sounded really good. One spectacular LP we played was a Les Baxter album with all of the sound effects those records are known for. Wall to wall soundstage with front to back three-dimensional imaging in spades. Bongos, congas, bells, marimbas, vibes, jungle sounds, strings, flutes, English horns, bass .... glorious!  

Whoa! Thousand Oaks had some really bad things happen there recently. Absolutely horrible.
Good morning. <3 Heya, Frank. <3 Sent you out a care package yesterday morning. <3 Today we brace for the first snow storm of the season. <3  Sending prayers and healing thoughts to you, my friend. <3
Krissy <3
jmolsberg, I am curious about your listening results with your new PPT applications----anything?