Need help in search of Living Voice sound

Hi all,

I've been looking for a new sound system for almost two years now. A couple of weeks ago I had the Living Voice IBX/R2 speakers in my home and quite loved them. They are dynamic, up front, forgiving yet detailed, on the warm side of neutral and give a great live feel. This is what I want from my sound system. But... I'm also no great fan of their looks, their build quality leaves somewhat to be desired and their overall looks are just not what you expect in this price range. So, does any one has some suggestions for an alternative, preferably something in the line of the Sonus Faber Cremona (looks and build quality). Budget is around 10K US Dollar.
I listen to all kinds of music and want to be able to hear bad recordings as well, so too analytical speakers are out of the question.

I've already tried:

- Thiel CS 2.4 (too harsh and analytical)
- Sonus Faber Cremona M (too laid back, too reserved)
- Audio Physic Scorpio and Virgo V (bass problems, no side firing woofers in my room)
- Focal Electra 1007 BE (too colored, not enough weight)
- Wilson Benesch Discovery (too analytical)
- Wilson Benesch Arc (too dry and boring)
- Master Contemporary C (also analytical)
- Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor M (not hefty enough and cannot play loud)
- Volent VL3 (too analytical)
In that price range, maybe a second hand pair of Dynaudio Confidence C2s if you can find them?
Are you pairing with SS or tube?

Vandersteen may fit your description. Warm, coherent, & involving.
Parsifal's, the last pair of Ovations were selling for $9995 US. If not, Parsifal Encore's go from around 6K-6500.
Very few speakers have the balanced resolution of the IBXR2's, AND are easy to drive. Genuinely tube friendly from 20 to 70 watts. Lot's of great amp choices in that range giving the listener the ability to dial in personal preferences. Just a great speaker.

A couple of manufacturers you may want to check out are Merlin, Audio Note and Gemme Audio. Also, I don't know what your budget is but the Acapella LaCampanella that just popped up here on Audiogon sure would be a sweet replacement.

I'm interested in your final choice so plese let us know what you decide.