Speakers positionning

I just try a new toe-in for my speakers, and it worth the move.  Instead of crossing the focus behind my head ( at position seat), now it cross in front of me at 2 feet.  The highs are well defined and present  with well blend music and no more edgy treble at "forté" passage...  But it depends of your room and speakers...  You can read more about here:

@rvpiano wrote: "I was just at the New York Hifi show, and perhaps because of the size of the rooms, all speakers were toed in, most severely. The result was very little precise imaging. Everything tended to come from one central spot between the speakers."


"All I can say is, that [what Duke posted about] wasn’t my experience at this show."

And I don’t doubt you one bit! I have no problem accepting that "very little precise imaging" is commonly the result in hotel rooms at audio shows, regardless of how much toe-in is or is not used.

But suppose somebody out there fairly consistently gets significantly different results in crappy little hotel rooms at audio shows, without using acoustic treatment. Maybe there are important principles which are either unknown to, or ignored by, "the herd".

Giving credit where it’s due, just about everything I know on this subject came from Earl Geddes. And in the midst of "the herd" is not where you will find him.


With my little Maggie 1.7s, I find my best sweet spot and out of the sweet spot listening is with them very slightly toed in (about 5 deg.) 5 ft. apart (about 6.5' from center to center) 42" from front wall, with the tweeter ribbons to the outside. The stage is large and deep and the image remains detailed, tight and well focused - whether sitting or standing in the sweet spot or right or left of the sweet spot. My room is 14'W x 23'L x 10'H, open to the dinning room on the left another 8' x 14'.  Those who feel their Maggies do not image well out of the sweet spot, might try this. It may not work for everyone, in every room, but certainly works very well for me....Jim
Unless your room is exactly like mine, with speakers exactly like mine, and you have managed to obtain my specific taste regarding the sound from my carefully thought out speaker placement, any suggestions from me are useless...mostly...but a good place to start is to put the speakers in front of you and listen to them...get a rug...buy furniture...don't live in an unfurnished shipping container...get a furnished one.
For the price, I would probably take a look at this CD; but it would probaly takes you hours to find the sweet spot ?