What is the most dramatic way of increasing a speaker's Bass and Low mid?


I am wondering what would give the most dramatic increase in bass and low mid projection/Volume, even on account of accuracy ...

My speakers can go down to 28hz but i need to boost it’s level, not frequency extension. They are 2 way with bass reflex port. 6.5" woofer size and a tweeter. Floor standing.

My floor is old hardwood strips.

placement and coupling methods are the first things that come to mind. I do not want to add an equalizer at this point.

Spikes, footers, concrete platform, direct floor flush contact? anything and everything that YOU know works.
Speculations on untested methods are not needed as i need real life experience from people.



If you place them in corners, assuming that works well, you might also spot-treat the walls to either side of the tweeter with thick foam. The idea is to selectively target the very wide-angle off-axis energy from the tweeter down at the bottom end of its range, where its radiation pattern is the widest. 

I have not tried this specific application of spot-treatment with foam because I've never been in the same situation as you, but I have used it in other situations.  Don't overdo it with the foam or you'll suck the life out of the sound.  I'd use a strip about 1 foot tall and maybe 6" wide, centered at tweeter height, right were any energy traveling sideways across the baffle would hit each of the walls that meet in that corner.  And it doesn't have to be foam - thick textiles work fine too. 


You can use Lyngdorf 2170 as Dac and Room correction.

It’s dac is pretty good which will be better than any Dac under 4K$.

If you want to use turntable, you shall have optional analogue input to connect from phono amplifier.

I got good result using line out of Lyngdorf to Rogue Audio Magnum II to drive my Lansche 4.1 speakers.
Seriously: sit in the floor and listen to music you
like and know well.  Change positions: closer, farther from speakers.

Part two: If you are not happy because "too much bass,"
experiment by raising your seating position six inches at a time
until you have the sound "right."
28Hz at sufficiently high SPL from a single 6.5" woofer per speaker? Good luck! No spike, footer, or any other accessory is going to increase the speaker's LF output. To do that, you need to move more air. Spikes and footers can't, don't, and won't do that. A pair (at least) of subs are required.
28 Hz from single 6.5 " woofer ? What speakers do you have ? 
But if they are that good - better source and amp and cables and power cords, yeah. Which ones ? I have no idea.
Putting them against the wall or in corners would probably be the wrong move unless they were designed to be placed there. But at least that's easy to try.