What is the most dramatic way of increasing a speaker's Bass and Low mid?


I am wondering what would give the most dramatic increase in bass and low mid projection/Volume, even on account of accuracy ...

My speakers can go down to 28hz but i need to boost it’s level, not frequency extension. They are 2 way with bass reflex port. 6.5" woofer size and a tweeter. Floor standing.

My floor is old hardwood strips.

placement and coupling methods are the first things that come to mind. I do not want to add an equalizer at this point.

Spikes, footers, concrete platform, direct floor flush contact? anything and everything that YOU know works.
Speculations on untested methods are not needed as i need real life experience from people.


That is your mistake to think that cables are the last 1%.
You will never know until you try ., but i am done trying to convince you
100% no glare with Purist Audio Dominus 
100% musicality
Of course, I forgot my usual advice: Better room acoustics.

Smoother bass, more controlled mid/treble can greatly improve the tonal balance.

My experience with 2-way systems is that properly used, bass traps can make them sound much larger and deeper.
That is your mistake to think that cables are the last 1%.
You will never know until you try ., but i am done trying to convince you
100% no glare with Purist Audio Dominus
100% musicality

With the risk of sounding patronizing(im not- i promise) after 30+ years of making Records at some of the best studios ever i can tell you that :
A. Cables are 1% as long as they are decent quality and not super cheap stuff that really degrades the integrity of the electric signal.
B. The best recordings you listen to through your $5,000 per interconnect were made on a $20 Mogami Mic cable... so....
OK- So I took off the footing altogether, no spikes or any type of feet, just speakers on my wood floor bare and flush.
Already big improvement. The spiking is good for fat sounding speakers, not for lean sounding ones, in my case.