Mapman: The room right now is 20'x 30' approximately.
I'll be moving soon and I'm likely to have a smaller listening room.
Tvad: I've used lots of different equipment to power these. The list is even longer than the speaker list! :) A few notable:
NAD 2400THX *
Cayin A-100T
Proceed BPA-2
McCormack DNA 0.5
Onix Melody SP-3
HH Scott LK-72-B
Denon POA-4400 monos *
ADCOM xxxx w/ GFA-750 pre **
Trendz Tripath chipamp
B&K*, East sound, Rotel, Carver, Mcintosh, Marantz...
The ones marked with asterisks I found bright.
The Onix, McCormack and Trendz I have found to be my favorites. The HH Scott was great until I had it recapped (cry).
Yes, all in about two years. Obsessive? YES!
(Tvad) Will I be 100% satisfied with anything? I'm just aiming for 90% at the moment. ;) Also decided I should find some speakers I liked first.
The questions about amps and pre's are for my next novel-length post. (Hope I'm not the only one laughing here :| )
Drew-Eckhardt: Haven't explored much in the bi, di, etc territory. Heard some old magneplanars and liked what I heard in a very small range of the music. They were quite old. The Mirages were cone bipols I think. I am open to more education.
Rumadian: Did hear the ACI Sapphires at the RMAF this last year and very much liked them.
Mapman: I just went and hooked the Totem Arros up to my McCormack (100wpc into 8ohms) just to make sure I wasn't missing something. No, they definitely don't carry the weight I'm seeking. Shame 'cause they really are great speakers.
Johnnyb53: I've spend more and less time with every speaker I've owned and often in less than ideal circumstances, as I mentioned at the beginning of my post. The Om-5s in particular I had stuffed into a 15' by 30' room(on the narrow end!). Definitely the furthest from ideal of all the setups. Mirage recommends sending them back to the factory for modifications to the bass for the size of room I had, and for good reason. The speaker "fit" the minimum requirements and in -that- space it was not the right one for me. I tried them briefly in a very large room, too, and I don't remember feeling like they could be a fit for me there either. Those are my memories of over a year ago. My ear has grown a lot since then. Not sure what part of my short review of these felt particularly dismissive to you compared to any of my other very short reviews.
Most speakers I would play with the placement of but only to a degree at first. So far, I've found that if I'm going to like a speaker at all, I'm going to like -something- about it at the very beginning, before messing with it much. I'll like it close up, and I'll like something about it when I'm listening from the next room over, even. I'll play with placement and room acoustics from there. Not sure what the "right" amount of time/effort/energy is but I'm open to suggestions. There are many speakers I didn't mention at all because I couldn't stand to listen to them for even a few moments. Anyone else on here own some cheap Sony, Onkyo or Yamaha floorstanders? ;)
All: Looking into almost all of the speakers mentioned so far. Thank you, thank you.