Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic

I think this topic deserves its own thread , where use double ic through y adapters , from source to preamp, Can’t connect it from Preamp to Amp...For me the result is huge, I can’t go back to single ic....
I found the old RCA Dynagroove and RedSeal classicals to be much better than current records.   (Soundtrack from Peter Gunn, Fiddler on the Roof, Daphnis & Chloe, Bernstein Mass (Columbia) etc.)
I am now Schroedrized......I got all the cables now, plugged them in and nothing blew up.   My first worry was that I ordered too short of cable from my preamp to amp, but no, I measured right...whew...  (about 5 1/2 meters) The sound is congested, little bass, highes lopped off, but after an hour things are better.  I've been CD'ing an Elton John recording, and every song is better than the previous one.  It is so interesting how the cables are changing as they break in.  
stringreen, so now you have three occurrences of the Schroeder Method in your system? 

I have tried the double ic connection via AQ f shaped splitters, between cd and preamp. I hoped for positive outcome, but my somehow short and limited experience was that sound did not improve, I have noticed the change, but the sound I get would be best described as a kind of loudness effect. Perhaps its releted to the gear I use. (tube amp and preamp) I will not desmiss the idea completely, but for know I have no doubt that my current set up is better with regular connections. On the other hand, I am using the Franco Serblin Lignea monitor speakers with Yter speaker cables (same manufacturer,) and I ve read somewhere that doubling the speaker cables produced great results. Perhaps in the future I would be able to check that as well and report my findings.
alexatpos, thank you for relating your experience in regard to Schroeder Method and your system. Every contribution to understanding it is helpful. I wonder if the output of the CD player is a factor in the outcome you experienced. There is a possibility that the capacitance of the doubled interconnects was too high.

One thing that is very helpful in the overall assessment of the doubling of ICs is that it seemed obvious to you that the sound had changed. That in itself is important, because it reinforces the experience of others, that the sound changed noticeably. 

It would be helpful to me and the community if you would share the precise make and model of your CD player, Preamp and Amp so that the specifications could be found, and perhaps better understanding of what might be the issue can be discovered. 

I wonder if you are using a very low power amp and if that might be a factor in the result. I had discussed use of double ICs with Kevin Hayes of VAC and he said it would present no problem with his amplifiers. But, I hasten to add that the topology of amps, even tube amps, can vary dramatically, so this response certainly cannot be extended to all amplifiers. 

 Again, if we can see the equipment used that would be very helpful to everyone.