Animated Movies

I'm putting together a small collection of animated movies. I'm looking for ones that have amazing audio and video qualities. I have Ice Age and Monsters Inc. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
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"American Pop" is one of my animated favorites. Great story and great soundtrack! I also own "Akira" which is a cool/trippy story.

Disney's "Dinosaur" is pretty awesome on a front-projector system esp. the teradactyl's flight sequence near the start of the movie.
Elizabeth, great call on Tekkonkinkreeto (which for you non-Japanese speakers is a play on 'tekkin konkreeto' which is the pronunciation for "steel-reinforced concrete" in Japanese). I think the movie is masterly.

I agree with above posters that the Incredibles, Triplets of Belleville, and Cars have great audio and animation. I am surprised that noone has mentioned Fantasia, which to me is the original animation set to music movie.
I second, "Fantastic Planet". I'd also recommend a Jules Verne-based piece from the '60s. Not conventional animation, also sort of a collage from various Jules Verne stories/novesl. Sorry I can't remember the name ("The Amazing World of Jules Verne"???).

More for kids, consider, "Astro Boy" and "Beanie & Cecil" if these are now available.
Pixar/Dreamworks movies.
Afro Samurai
Ghost In The Shell
Wonderful Days (Korean)
Vampire Hunter D (Both)
Original Spawn series
Spirited Away
Howl's Moving Castle
Prince Mononoke
Grave of the Fireflies
Anything by Ralph Bakshi-Wizards!!
Ninja Scroll
Aeon Flux series
Final Fantasy