The Audio Doctor makes a house call

I would like to contribute  to the discussion about Dave, the “Audio Doctor.”   I live in California but, after many phone conversations and texts where he provided advice about my system with no promise of any return, we decided a trip here from New Jersey would be worthwhile and worked out an arrangement.  Dave brought a lot of accessories for me to audition. First, we repositioned my speakers (KEF Reference 5s), which really improved the sound.  We tried a DAC (Aqua) to compare with my current Auralic Vega (first generation), wireworld interconnects and several other things.  I already had purchased an Innuous Zenith server from Dave and we set that up.  Dave was very enthusiastic about my speakers (which he sells but I already had purchased elsewhere) and my electronics (Audio Research amp, pre amp, phono stage) and never suggested buying new ones.   

At no point did I feel he was pressuring me or trying to sell me something just to make a sale.  My system is definitely sounding better now and I may move ahead with some other improvements he recommended. Of course, Dave is in the audio business and makes his livelihood that way but I think he was genuinely interested in helping me get better sound.  I know that some have objected to him and other dealers posting on this board.  Personally, I have found  his postings very helpful.  Those who don’t can always skip over them—no one is forcing you to read anything.  

Finally, I met Dave for the first time when he came here and have no connection other than as a recent customer.  
 I've been trying to find a local dealer to setup my speakers,  but have been unable to.  The closest high-end dealer to me wouldn't do it, because he doesn't sell my speakers. So, there are a lot of high-end dealers that won't or can't setup a system. 

I am most certainly not a fan of audio doctor.  It just does not bother me that he “self promotes” as I always seem to learn something.  However, I am a fan of myself.  
I would think just about anyone would go to someone's house to tune a system if all expenses were paid no matter how far the travel. It's kinda like work, vacation, getting paid, and fun all wrapped up in one. I just wonder if Audiotroy would go across country on his own dime if there were just a possibility of a lucrative sale.