Your Forever Pieces? What and Why?

Pretty sure a number of members have some equipment they have owned forever or intend to where feasible.
Curious as to what, how long so far and why?
KLH Nines. Bought in February 1992 from High Fi Classics in Far Rockaway, NY ($500). Still in use! 
ADC XLM phono cartridge - 1968
Teac 4070 reversible tape deck - 1970
Dual 701 semi-automatic direct drive turntable - 1975
Koss Pro 4a headphones - 1976
Marcof PPA-2 battery driven headamp - 1980
Accuphase AC-2 mc cartridge - 1981
Audionics BT-2 preamplifier - 1984
Thiel 3.5 loudspeakers - 1990

Probably a few smaller tape and phono accessories I can't remember as well.
McIntosh MR74. Luxman T110.  Both upgraded by Don Scott about 10 years ago.