Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic

I think this topic deserves its own thread , where use double ic through y adapters , from source to preamp, Can’t connect it from Preamp to Amp...For me the result is huge, I can’t go back to single ic....
Right Doug....2 -1 meter pair (phono to preamp, silver disc player to preamp) and 1- 5 1/2 meter pair from preamp to amp. Still not broken in.....interesting the 1 cable that is oldest is phono to preamp.... phono sounds WAY better than CD.  All balanced XLR cables
alexatpos, thanks for providing the info on the specs. Those look like very fine components with class A tube power; I'm guessing very sweet sound. 

One thought that strikes me is what appears to be three outputs, 4,8, 16 Ohm. Are you by chance using the 16 Ohm output with the Schroeder Method cables? I'm wondering if that would introduce the effect you are hearing. Is your system appropriate to try the 4 and 8 Ohm outputs, i.e. speakers appropriate? It would be interesting to see if the output influences the result of the Schroeder Method. Please confer if needed prior to attempting. But, it sounds like you know what you are doing. 

Stringreen, by saying phono sounds WAY better than CD, are you suggesting that the CD got worse, or only that the phono is enhanced more greatly? It is hard to understand your comment the way it is worded. I'm asking because alexatpos is using a CD player and is not getting a good result currently. It may be correctable. 

Even my wife says she doesn’t understand me.......My thinking is that the cable from the turntable being the oldest of the Schroeders has reached a higher level of performance because the new ones (from the CD player) are still opening up. At this time, the CD player is not what I think it can provide in sonics. With my older silver cables, the turntable sound was better in some ways than the CD player, and the CD player was better in other ways....all depending on the recording. Also, all sound is going via the long preamp to amp new cable.  Of coarse, I’m open to any of your suggestions. ...just as an aside, I’ve played the Purist Audio and Ayre break-in discs but without any progress.
Douglas, the speakers I use, Franco Serblin's Lignea  have minimum impedance of 7,9 ohm, so I have them conected on 8 ohm outputs. I do not think (correct me if I am wrong), that conecting it on either 4 or 16 ohm outputs would be helpful. Perhaps it would be interesting to know if all the people who do not hear the positive change have the similar sounding experience and on which kind of gear
alexatpos, unless there is a reason to take caution with operating a particular speaker on the other outputs, I make it a point just to see what the resultant sound is like to try speakers on all amp outputs, i.e. 4,8,16 ohm. The results can be surprising, and often I prefer one setting that is not aligned with the minimum impedance of the speaker. You will definitely have a different result with each of the outputs. One might be superior. In many instances speakers that were rated 8 Ohm sound much better to me as the 4 Ohm outputs are used. One simply has to try in order to determine which is holistically superior. My point was that it may help to isolate an influence why the double IC is not to your liking. 

Stringreen, if both of the Schroeder Method ICs are similar type, ie. XLR, you could swap the short one with the longer to see if there is an immediate degradation due to the length. Set up the rig and get used to the sound again at baseline. Then swap the two double ICs for comparison. Could be interesting.