JAY'S Audio CDT-3-MK2 or PS Audio DirectStream Memory Player

Looking for a CD transport. I will be playing redbook CDs only and would be using the SPDIF output to my DAC. 
I was thinking to get the JAY'S Audio transport, but now that PS Audio discounted their DirectStream Memory Player, I can't decide between the two. Has anyone compared those two?
I haven't heard the Jay Audio CD12 but  6 Moons gave it an excellent review. I also respect the opinion of Teajay. I can say that I've owned the PS Audio PWT for over 7 very happy years. It mates beautifully with my Yamamoto YDA DAC and sounds very natural and emotionally engaging. I have no reason to doubt excellent results with the Jay Audio. Seems that you couldn't go wrong with either choice. Redbook sounds fabulous through my system. 
My only concern would be is Jay Audio going to be around in a few years? PS Audio is a very well established company. Makes one pause to think.
I’ve onky had in-house the Jay’s Audio CDT2 MK2 and the NuPrime CDT-8 Pro transport as possible replacements for my CAL Delta transport. In terms of ranking SQ: CDT2 MK2 is far better than both CDT-8 Pro and the Delta transport, and the CDT8-Pro was on par with the Delta transport.