The Audio Doctor makes a house call

I would like to contribute  to the discussion about Dave, the “Audio Doctor.”   I live in California but, after many phone conversations and texts where he provided advice about my system with no promise of any return, we decided a trip here from New Jersey would be worthwhile and worked out an arrangement.  Dave brought a lot of accessories for me to audition. First, we repositioned my speakers (KEF Reference 5s), which really improved the sound.  We tried a DAC (Aqua) to compare with my current Auralic Vega (first generation), wireworld interconnects and several other things.  I already had purchased an Innuous Zenith server from Dave and we set that up.  Dave was very enthusiastic about my speakers (which he sells but I already had purchased elsewhere) and my electronics (Audio Research amp, pre amp, phono stage) and never suggested buying new ones.   

At no point did I feel he was pressuring me or trying to sell me something just to make a sale.  My system is definitely sounding better now and I may move ahead with some other improvements he recommended. Of course, Dave is in the audio business and makes his livelihood that way but I think he was genuinely interested in helping me get better sound.  I know that some have objected to him and other dealers posting on this board.  Personally, I have found  his postings very helpful.  Those who don’t can always skip over them—no one is forcing you to read anything.  

Finally, I met Dave for the first time when he came here and have no connection other than as a recent customer.  
free or semi-free tuning advice...

Natural diffraction, Diffusion, absorbtion go a long way..a lived in room will often out perform a dedicated sterile room..

precision counts...get a Leica Disto and use it to locate your speakers, your chair and precision measure ear height

use the golden ratio, if ya can, it is just math....

Audiotools makes a fine ipad hosted RTA, add a good mic and some adapter cables and get into science and math based help..

faith based stuff also works....when you are ready for the last .5... read point five %

understand your power panel and what leg your audio gear is on - get it away from furnace motors, AC, refrigerator, hash generators.
dedicated lines on opposite leg work

get all the digital junk wall warts, computer chips, etc plugged into a dedicated conditioning device...Furman makes affordable stuff. start w DAC plugged in there, unless it has a faraday cage or competent RF management ( I used to build satellites.....few few audio engineers appreciate RF....and the havok it does to low power analog...

float grounds w cheaters with caution

i should disclose that two of my four current clients are a brewery and a racing paddleboard manufacturer, so ignore any advice I give on those products, singular or God forbid in combination 
A lot of good people with a lot of great ideas, and you don't have to pay for them......

get all the digital junk wall warts, computer chips, etc plugged into a dedicated conditioning device...Furman makes affordable stuff. start w DAC plugged in there, unless it has a faraday cage or competent RF management ( I used to build satellites.....few few audio engineers appreciate RF....and the havok it does to low power analog...

>>>>>That’s weird. I didn’t know satellites were susceptible to RF. You know, being up to 26,000 miles above the Earth. I know they are susceptible to micro meteors. I had one of my satellites at NASA hit by one.