Vandersteen Treo CT, Pair of Sub threes and Lyngdorf TDAI 3400

Hello all,

I am investing in a system upgrade.  My room is not the greatest and I won't be doing any acoustic treatments to it.

Basically the main speakers need to be within 12 to 18 inches of the wall (WAF).  Because of this I am thinking of building the system around Lyngdorf and Room Perfect.

I am thinking of pairing the Vandersteen Treo CT with a Pair of Sub threes.  I would be driving these with a Lyngdorf TDAI 3400.  

My question is the SUB Three's have room EQ and the Lyngdorf has room correction.

How would I set these up together?

Would I get the SUB Three's set up and them run the Lyngdorf Room Perfect


Would the room perfect render the SUB Three's EQ as useless in that case I would just by the cheaper Vandy V2W subs without the EQ and let room perfect blend the subs and mains.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Ag insider logo xs@2xefoo
The Aesthetix Mimas would be your simpler solution through you can't go wrong with either company.  Having the ability to skip the external HP-5's would tip the scale for me. 
I think monoblocks are somewhat overrated ( yes I do own some... )
the Aesthetix Stereo amp is a wonder and has built in high Pass filter ....
but the good news in Johnny has all this gear you can hear with Quattro CT

enjoy your quest !
painted or wood Quattro ?
Any finish you get is going to look incredible. Vandersteen has a high quality finish cabinetry.
Aesthetics vs. Belles, I don't think you could go wrong, but, if you are going monoblocks, I would consider Ayre. I know Johnny swears by zero feedback design. I own both Ayre MX-R's and Atmasphere MA-1's and each provide fine performance one would find hard to beat at any cost.
Yes, as a woodworking person I can say that Richard has a GREAT veneer guy.  I personally got mine painted in Audio Havana Black.  It's an upgrade and isn't cheap, but man do they do a great job.  He has some cool veneers too.  So glad you are taking this route.  I LOVE my Quatro's as you all know.  Johnny is going crazy over that Aesthetix integrated.  I can't wait to hear that combo.  

Please keep us updated.