The Audio Doctor makes a house call

I would like to contribute  to the discussion about Dave, the “Audio Doctor.”   I live in California but, after many phone conversations and texts where he provided advice about my system with no promise of any return, we decided a trip here from New Jersey would be worthwhile and worked out an arrangement.  Dave brought a lot of accessories for me to audition. First, we repositioned my speakers (KEF Reference 5s), which really improved the sound.  We tried a DAC (Aqua) to compare with my current Auralic Vega (first generation), wireworld interconnects and several other things.  I already had purchased an Innuous Zenith server from Dave and we set that up.  Dave was very enthusiastic about my speakers (which he sells but I already had purchased elsewhere) and my electronics (Audio Research amp, pre amp, phono stage) and never suggested buying new ones.   

At no point did I feel he was pressuring me or trying to sell me something just to make a sale.  My system is definitely sounding better now and I may move ahead with some other improvements he recommended. Of course, Dave is in the audio business and makes his livelihood that way but I think he was genuinely interested in helping me get better sound.  I know that some have objected to him and other dealers posting on this board.  Personally, I have found  his postings very helpful.  Those who don’t can always skip over them—no one is forcing you to read anything.  

Finally, I met Dave for the first time when he came here and have no connection other than as a recent customer.  
Grgr4blu, just read the posts again and quite frankly I can see one of the points you raised about promoting our new discovery.

If you actually spent anytime to understand how I work you would understand that I am effusive and talk to everybody when I find something that is magical, in this case footers.

I do agree that there is a fine line between discussion and promotion, howerver the only way any of us find out anything new to discover is when someone promotes the product via a review, an advert or a discussion.

So yes guilty as charged, we found a game changing product that makes us very excited by the peformance potential that this device adds. 

Sorry to be so excited and want to let people know about this product.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Let this thread die please.   Audio Doctor, please do not bring my feelings into your discussion with wcfeil.   That is between you and he.  Keep my quotes out of it!
Actually stereo5 never mentioned any displeasure with the transaction between us 4+ years ago. 

Until yesterday. 

So I’ll chalk up his post as an emotional response to what he read in this thread. 

Pay attention Lalin. 
Sorry Stereo 5 we dont like being attacked by this gentleman.

Personally it is the moderators fault comments attacking other members should be banned. 

It is really that simple if you dont have anything to add that is constructive then you shouldnt bother reading or replying,

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
If Audiotroy and WC met in person would a fist fight ensue! That would be sweeeeet!!!!!!