
I enjoy HD channels but during action movie scenes
and some sport HD channels I get a very distracting
pixelization effect. Cable company is Charter Communications. Is this caused by Charter's
transmission or can I correct this with an
equipment change? The pixelization seems to
be worse as camera pans quickly.
Is it a small or large amount that you are seeing ?

Do you have other services with them such as phone and hsd , and are those effected at all ?

Changing out the equipment *might* solve the problem, but many times it means that there is something else wrong and that is why you are seeing this.

If you would like more info, contact me and I will try and explain things the best that I can do you.....
what kind of display do you have? Plasma generally is more better for the kind of viewing you are describing.
Cable companies can control how much bandwidth/compression they use from channel to channel. sports should be given more bandwidth but isn't always if its not a popular channel. Some local providers are much worse than others...