
I enjoy HD channels but during action movie scenes
and some sport HD channels I get a very distracting
pixelization effect. Cable company is Charter Communications. Is this caused by Charter's
transmission or can I correct this with an
equipment change? The pixelization seems to
be worse as camera pans quickly.
The pixelization is intermittant and only during "fast action" scenes.

That is a compression artifact, and (assuming it occurs on multiple channels) I can't envision how it could be due to anything other than compression introduced by the cable company to conserve bandwidth for other channels.

-- Al
assuming this is in movie broadcasts, it may be inherent in the hd masters. backround objects like 'water', 'sand', 'window blinds', and much more, are extremely tuff to control.
I'm going to have to side with the compression crowd. Sometimes Comcast compresses the hell out of HD content on less popular channels to the point that I switch to the SD feed. This practice is more prevalent during prime time and weekends.
I sometimes see pixelization on my old CRT TV set, so it must be in the cable signal.
You should check into having the signal amplified by your cable company. It sounds like you have a weak signal.